Be a Giver Member of Society

It is a believer’s duty to give to others what is due from him, and regarding his rights, he should ask for them only from God. Instead of being only rights-conscious, he should also be duty-conscious. So, if we all follow the principle of being duty-conscious, automatically our rights will be taken care of.

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The Quran likens a true human being to a tree. (14:24)

A true person is like a tree. What are the qualities of a tree?
The tree has a very unique quality. The tree only gives, it doesn’t take anything from you. The tree is a giver member of our universe. It's not a taker member. The tree continuously supplies oxygen to us. But we receive no bill from the tree. The tree gives us wood. Its green leaves looks so wonderful! The tree gives flowers, fruits and many other things. The tree gives all this unilaterally. The tree never sends any bill to us. The tree follows the giver culture, and not a taker culture. If people adopt this model, a unique society would develop. But people generally do the reverse.People want to take. Nobody wants to give. This is why, there is hue and cry over rights. Everywhere people discuss their rights. Nobody talks of duties. The United Nations 1948 Human Rights Declaration was also based on rights. People hardly speak of duties. In this universe, everything is based on duties. All parts of the universe are engaged in fulfilling their duty. None is clamouring for rights. Stars have no right. Planets have no right. Ocean, mountains and tree have no right. All are performing their duties. The universe functions on duty-based culture, while humans are engrossed in rights-based culture. This is why, in this world there is violence, intolerance and corruption. This very strange indeed. The culture of the universe is giver culture. Human beings also have to follow this. Just as we take the life-support system from the universe, we have to also take moral conduct from the universe. But here humans do the reverse. They follow the taker culture. 

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