Powerful Tool of Satan
SATAN is man’s enemy but Satan has no power to indulge in any aggressive or physical action against man. There is only one thing in Satan’s power and that is to put evil suggestions into man’s mind or instigate him towards evil thoughts. That is to say, Satan’s activities against man are always at an intellectual level rather than at a physical level, and man must therefore guard himself from Satan's deception.
How does Satan lead man into evil? He does it by allurement (THE QURAN 15: 39). That is, by beautifying evil actions. What is the method of this satanic beautification? It is to present a baseless argument as a strong argument in favor of an action.
Satan’s activities against man are always at an intellectual level rather than at a physical level.
According to the Quran, Satan had said to God at the time of Adam’s creation that he (Satan) would deceive the whole human race; that he would influence their minds through such beautification or decoration and would make people see false arguments as valid arguments.
This act of intellectual deviations on the part of Satan can be seen throughout human history. We can find such examples in family life, in society as well as at the global level. A large number of men and women are involved in evil; in their thoughts and deeds, and they find beautiful words to justify such actions.
They describe their negative actions in positive terms. They find constructive words for their destructive activities. They give beneficial and constructive titles to their anti-social activities. This is called embellishment and man is able to beautify his evil actions through satanic assistance having befriended Satan, their enemy.