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In this world, for one reason or the other, peace remains elusive. Differences—political and apolitical—keep on arising between individuals and groups. Whenever people refuse to be tolerant of these differences, insisting that they be rooted out the moment they arise, there is bound to be strife. Peace, as a result, can never prevail in this world. The book Islam and World Peace by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is lucidly written and expansive in scope.  This brief and readable book provides keen insight into peace-related topics. This book discusses at length the challenges and possibilities of communal harmony in India. The following is a condensed account of Maulana’s view from the book.  


  1. After a long struggle, the Indian subcontinent won independence in August 1947.
  2. This independence was based on the ‘two nation theory’. The country had been divided, ostensibly thought of as a solution to the communal conflicts.
  3.  Partition further exacerbated the conflict. Prior to the Partition, the conflict was between two communities, both of which lacked ruling power. With the Partition, it now became a conflict between two countries.
  4. Conferences and meetings were held to resolve the issue, but no practical benefit emerged from all of this.


  1. The fundamental reason is that this issue has been thought of simply as a law-and-order problem.
  2. This problem is essentially the lack of intellectual development and lack of awareness.


  1. To educate people, to promote proper thinking and right judgement.
  2. People should know how to make the distinction between actions that are efficacious and those that are not.
  3. They should learn the importance of thinking before acting.
  4. It is by promoting this sort of social awareness that the problem of communalism can be solved.


  1. The solution to the religious differences is to deal it with a simple formula of “follow one, respect all”. Trying to eliminate the differences is impossible and against the law of nature.
  2. The issue of cultural differences is another one that needs to be addressed in the same way. One cannot eliminate cultural differences from society. People have tried to work on this front but have failed.
  3. The only workable formula is to promote among people a commitment to live and let live, of peaceful, mutual coexistence.

The above-mentioned approach calls for the re-engineering of people’s minds. The opinion makers, motivational speakers, academicians, peace activists and the leaders in the society have to play a very vital role in bringing peace and harmony. Whatever be their goals, the common goal for all of us should be to maintain peace in society, which is the most basic requirement and the greatest good.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (1925-2021), Padma Vibhushan awardee, dedicated his life for this cause and nurtured a team working tirelessly to promote a culture of peace.

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