Mathematical Precision in Nature
THE Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, represented the laws of electromagnetic interactions in mathematical equations so beautifully, that when the great Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann saw them he exclaimed, “Who was the God who wrote these signs?”

To a keen observer of the Universe the most astounding fact is that every study of nature culminates in a conclusion that is incredibly meaningful and intelligent. Every study of the Universe shows that it has not been randomly put together but impeccably planned and systematically organized. This obvious fact compels an observer to acknowledge that a supreme intelligence is responsible for the creation and functioning of the universe.
Albert Einstein was of a purely scientific temperament. In spite of this, he has acknowledged that he is more of a philosopher than a physicist.
I am more a philosopher than a physicist, for I believe there is a reality outside of us.
The World As I See It
With this belief, Einstein would say about himself, “In this sense, I belong to the ranks of devoutly religious men.”
Nature is a sign of God and speaks to us about God. As a creation of God, it presents a picture of its Creator. One who observes nature and the universe with an open mind is sure to discover its Creator. Nevertheless, a biased mind will remain in darkness in the midst of light and will be unable to find God in the midst of God’s signs.