A Part Of The Creation Plan

ISLAM provides for full freedom of thought and expression. In fact, it is Islam that, for the first time in human history, wrought a revolution that gave every person this freedom. Prior to Islam, the world laboured under a system of coercion and human beings were deprived of intellectual freedom.

Freedom of thought is no ordinary matter. In actual fact, all human progress is linked to this freedom. It enables moral progress based on fear of the Invisible. That is to say, one voluntarily acknowledges God, rather than being forced to do so because of external compulsion, and leads life on the basis of the fear of God. In the absence of this complete freedom of choice, one can neither experience the spiritual joy beyond description that comes from fear of God, and nor can one get the credit for performing noble actions.

All human progress and creativity is linked to freedom of expression.

Freedom of thought saves one from hypocrisy. Human beings are thinking creatures. The human mind necessarily thinks and forms opinions. This being the case, if people are deprived of the right to free expression, it will not stop them from thinking, but it will certainly stop them from expressing their thoughts. An institution, community or country that takes away the right to the freedom of expression will finally be full of hypocrites. Sincere people can never flourish in such an environment.

In the same way, freedom of thought is directly linked to creativity. Creative people will emerge and flourish in a society that enjoys freedom of thought. In contrast, a society that does not allow this freedom is bound to fall prey to intellectual stagnation, because of which creative minds will not emerge or flourish therein.

The right position on the issue of expressing differences or criticism is for people to put an end to their unnecessary 'sensitivities' in this matter, rather than to try to end differences or criticism. This is what Islam demands, and reason, too.

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