Connect with God

IF by mistake you dial a wrong number on your telephone, your call will not reach the desired person. Instead of hearing the voice of that person saying ‘Hello’, you will hear a recorded message from the telephone exchange, announcing ‘This number does not exist’.

In this material example lies a great spiritual lesson. And that is, if someone wants to establish contact with God, but due to his wrong thinking he comes to hold someone as god who is not God and starts calling out to him, he will meet the same fate. Instead of receiving any answer from God, he will hear a voice saying to him, “This god does not exist”.

The urge for finding God is inter-woven in human nature. Everyone wants to find God. But, it has always happened in human history that people have made the mistake of giving someone other than God the status of God. Establishing contact with the real God is the greatest blessing for a person. Anyone who manages to do this will receive the light of guidance and will progress spiritually and intellectually. But, as opposed to this, if he gives the status of God to a non-god, he will be groping in darkness forever.

Establishing contact with the real God is the greatest blessing for a person. Any man or woman, who manages to do so, will be the recipient of the light of guidance in life.

These days, many people take the name of God, according the status of divinity to something or the other. But just because people assign divinity, it does not necessarily mean it exists in the real sense. They have adopted a non-god as God. They are making telephone calls to some such non-god or the other. And the answer they receive from all of them, albeit in silent language, is that the number dialed does not exist; that the object of their call is fictitious. The god whom they are calling has no existence in reality, and that is why their call will never be answered.

The first and foremost responsibility of a person is to discover the real God and then find out the way to establish contact with Him. Without this discovery, human life is not only incomplete, but it is also certainly going to meet with destruction.

It is the discovery of higher truth; and the establishing of contact with God, that makes human life meaningful. Without this discovery, life has no meaning.

This is man’s greatest objective — the greatest target of human struggle.It is what makes human life meaningful. One whose life is bereft of this discovery is indeed the poorest of all, even if he may have gathered all kinds of worldly, material things around him.

To discover God means to discover the highest Truth. It is this discovery of the highest Truth and the establishing of contact with It that makes human life meaningful. Without this discovery, life has no meaning.

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