Foreword for the English Edition

I wrote the first foreword of my book in September 1975. According to the circumstances of those times, I felt that with this book my mission had come to an end. This thinking was reflected in my first foreword. But subsequently there was a change of circumstances and by special divine succour a full-fledged mission came to be launched on the basis of the ideology I had presented in my book Al-Islam.

Now when I am writing these lines in June 2013, by God’s grace, this mission has become universal in its scope with the establishment of Islamic Centre in 1976 and Centre for Peace and Spirituality (CPS) in 2001. The literature of this mission has been published on a large scale in different national and international languages. This book, the English version of Al-Islam, is a part of this mission.

This book offers an explanation of the teachings of Islam in a contemporary style and aims at providing such an interpretation of Islam as will address the modern mind. In 1975 there was just this one book. But today, by God’s grace, a wide range of Islamic literature, written in a contemporary style, has been prepared, which is being disseminated in different languages.

Wahiduddin Khan

New Delhi
June 15, 2013

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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