The System
Established by God
Are you harder to create than the heaven which He has built? He raised it high and fashioned it, giving darkness to its night and brightness to its day.
And the earth He extended after that; and then drew from it water and brought forth its pastures. And the mountains He set down a provision for you and your cattle.
But when the supreme disaster strikes – the day when man will call to mind his labours and when Hell is brought in sight (of all) – those who transgressed and chose this present life will find themselves in Hell; but those who feared to stand before their Lord and curbed their souls’ desires shall dwell in Paradise.
They question you about the Hour of Doom: ‘When shall it be?’ But how are you to know? Your Lord alone knows when it will come. You are but a warner for those who fear it.
On the day when they behold that hour, it will be as if they had tarried in the grave only a single evening or the morning following it.
(The Quran 79:27-46)
What exists before us in the form of the universe is so great that all other things become totally insignificant in comparison. When a great happening such as the creation of the universe can take place, why cannot matters of smaller import likewise come into existence? In this context, the tidings given by the Quran that man has to be reborn is something which has already been made understandable by known events on a very large scale.
Man’s life stretches over two phases–one is the present, the other, the Hereafter which for the present is unseen. The actual test of man is for him to prefer the Hereafter as compared to the present world. But this can be achieved only by those who have the courage to control their selfish impulses and desires.
Man has been placed in the present world in order to be put to the test. This test necessarily requires freedom. That is why man has not been placed under any compulsion as has been done with the rest of the universe. He has the option either to conform to the system of God, or to indulge in deviations from it. But this freedom applies only to actions during his lifespan in this world; it does not apply to the result of his actions. Man’s final lot will be determined in accordance with the unchangeable laws of God.