
Since its inception in October 1976, the monthly Al-Risala has spread rapidly throughout the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It would be no exaggeration to say that the Al-Risala mission, through the medium of this monthly magazine, has now reached almost every home in the State.

In this connection, three Kashmir Meets were held in Delhi on the subject of dawah on the following dates:

Kashmir Meet I -- 5-6 February 2011
Kashmir Meet II – 29-30 October 2011
Kashmir Meet III – 25-26 November 2011

The theme of each of these meetings was the same—the revival of Islamic dawah in Kashmir. On these occasions, all the subjects relating to Kashmir came under discussion during the speeches and were also brought up in the course of conversations with the people of Kashmir. The gist of those speeches and conversations are presented here in the form of separately subtitled fragments. It is hoped that this collection will prove to be a booster, Insha Allah, in the promotion of Islamic dawah and the establishment of peace in Kashmir.

Wahiduddin Khan
New Delhi, December 1, 2011

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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