No Reaction in Islam
The philosophy of reaction is entirely unnatural. Instead of reacting violently, taking stock of the prevailing situation, and being guided by a positive mindset, the Islamic method is to plan one’s course of action in a constructive manner geared to producing positive results.
If you ask people who are engaged in violence, whether as individuals or as members of groups, why are they involved in destructive activities, they will answer that their violence is a ‘natural reaction’. If an individual or group is oppressed or denied justice, they will say a reaction is bound to be. Moreover, they will explain in so reacting that they might even go to the extent of taking to arms and even suicide-bombing. They will argue that their violence will end only when oppression and injustice of the other party ceases. Otherwise, they will contend that their reaction will stop only when the other party stops its action first. There is no use preaching only to them to give up violence unilaterally.
This philosophy of reaction is entirely unnatural. The fundamental error of such people is that they had adopted the wrong criterion for their actions. The proper criterion here is to evaluate an action as to the results that emerge from it. Right action produces beneficial results for those who engage in it. Hence an action that does not produce beneficial results must be given up.
Actions can either produce beneficial results or prove to be counter-productive for those who engage in them. There is no third alternative. The best form of action is one that produces positive results. An action that does not produce such results only further magnifies the problem. Moreover, magnifying one’s problem is not something a wise person wants to do.
Emotionally reacting to something, including someone else’s actions, is not the proper response. The proper response is to take stock of the prevailing situation, and guided by a positive mindset, to plan one’s course of action in a manner geared to producing positive results. Instead of reacting through confrontation and violence, one should respond constructively. It is the proper Islamic approach and method.