The Policy of Mutual

The estimated number of stars in the universe is 100 octillion or 10 to the power 29. The number of planets in the universe is around 10 to the power 24. These numerous stars and planets are constantly on the move in the vast universe. This has been going on for billions of years. For example, the earth is continuously revolving around the sun. Similarly, the other planets constituting the solar system move around the sun in their respective orbits. For billions of years, these celestial bodies have been following their specific paths, without interfering in the motion of or clashing with each other.

It is true that several collisions have occurred in the universe. But these phenomena are designed for the sake of the purposeful evolution of the universe which is continually evolving and expanding. These processes are always well-planned and meant to serve a useful purpose.

The harmony that characterizes the universe is mentioned thus in the Quran with reference to the earth and the moon:

‘It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each [peacefully] gliding in its orbit.’ (21:33)

It is this policy of mutual non-interference that has established total peace in the vastness of space.

This is the culture of the macro world. The same culture is also in evidence in the micro world. The atom, a tiny unit of the material world, has within it the same culture. An atom consists of a number of tiny particles, each one of which is constantly on the move. But there is no clash. So, there is the same peace in the micro world as we see in the macro world.

There are about 50 million large and small animal species on the earth. Again there is total peace in the animal world. Wars such as the First World War and the Second World War have never occurred in the animal world. All these living creatures engage in numerous different activities. How is it then that there is total peace? The answer is that animals have also adopted the same culture—that of mutual non-interference. The only difference is that what the material world has adopted under the law of nature, has been adopted by the animal world as a result of its inborn instinct.

Every person is free to launch his or her own activities, the only restriction being that he or she should not become harmful for his or her fellow beings.

The same culture—the culture of mutual non-interference is also required in the human world. Every person is free to launch his or her own activities, the only restriction being that he or she should not become harmful for his or her fellow beings. In other words, human beings also have to adopt the same culture, that is, the culture of mutual non-interference. This is the only formula for peace based on the law of nature.

The culture of mutual non-interference brings peace, and peace opens up the door to all opportunities. And by utilizing these opportunities, everyone can achieve his or her goal. In other words, everyone has the chance to turn his or her potential into actuality.

This is the law of nature. And it is this law of nature that has been adopted in Islam. Here, I will give two relevant references. Before the Hijrah or migration (622 AD), when the Prophet of Islam was in Makkah, this verse was revealed in the Quran:

‘For you your religion, for me mine.’ (109:6)

After the Hijrah, when the Prophet settled in Madinah, he confirmed this principle. At that time roughly half of the population of Madinah comprised of Jews and the other half of Muslims. The Prophet issued a historic document called the Madinah Declaration, in which he proclaimed: Lil-yahudi dinuhum wa lil-muslimina dinuhum. This means,

‘For Jews their religion and for Muslims their religion.’1

This principle, that is, the policy of mutual non-interference is based on an eternal principle, which is already established in the non-human world. It is also a matter of necessity in the human world.

This culture will also be adopted by the people of Paradise, as has been stated in the Quran in these words:

‘And God calls to the Home of Peace.’ (10:25)

The policy of mutual non-interference gives every man and woman the scope to live on his or her own without inflicting harm on other fellow human beings. This is the only formula for peace and harmony.

Mutual non-interference ensures that every person has an equal opportunity to make progress. This culture has been established throughout the entire universe, the only difference being that, in the non-human world, it is in place under the law of nature, while man adopts this culture of his own free will, without any compulsion. Man’s thinking is involved in the choice he makes, therefore, the phenomenon of intellectual development is found only in the human world and not in the non-human world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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