According to the 20th chapter of the Quran, Paradise is for one who purifies his soul. The decision about which human beings will enter paradise will be based on individual merit rather than on personal affiliation to any community or group.

Therefore, Paradise is only for the individual who purifies himself. Purification means abandoning a life of ignorance and wretchedness and leading a life ruled by the conscience.

Tazkiyah means purifying the individual of unfavourable elements, so that he may reach the point of perfection in a favourable environment. This was a very important task given to the prophets.

In the present age of scientific thinking it is essential to speak to people in a manner that addresses their minds. The source of tazkiyah in present times is exactly the same as it was in ancient times. But there is a difference of approach between the two – that of the manner of presentation. In ancient times the traditional style ways were effective for people of that age, but, in present times, for effective tazkiyah, it is essential to change the style of presentation. Only then will it be possible for the modern man to understand the importance of tazkiyah and pursue it in his life.

The traditional style relied on authority and rhetoric, it focused on feeling, was not open to questioning as the presenters were used to being accepted. The modern style relies on facts and logic, giving appropriate references to the Quran and Hadith, it uses lucid and easily understandable language.

For instance, in ancient times the word ‘purification’ or ‘reform’ of the self was used. The traditional mind could easily appreciate the nuances and the implications of such words. The modern man can understand this fact better if we change our words. We will have to explain how a man can be ‘conditioned’ by prevalent beliefs e.g. a person can be conditioned to believe that without dishonesty one cannot survive in business. A modern man can understand that for the purpose of a person’s reform, it is essential to decondition and reengineer his mind to make him capable of seeing reality ‘as it is’ and thus form accurate opinions.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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