Self development has become an area of abiding interest for the modern man. Tazkiyah is the Islamic method of self development, one that has the sanctity of the Prophet behind it.

Tazkiyah enables a person to reach his full potential by removing obstacles from his path of development. Negative emotions like pride, jealousy, hypocrisy and wrong actions like cheating, back biting, slander etc. all prevent a person from attaining his full potential. It is essential that these negatives be curbed and strongly controlled.

Believers shall do well to pursue the path of self development by adopting the path of the Prophet and not resort to other methods which can be of limited benefit at best or lead to confusion and bewilderment at worst.

Self development offers a person a multitude of benefits including peace and tranquility, a congenial home environment, satisfaction at work, cordial relations in the neighbourhood among others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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