Man’s trial rests on his discovery of God Who is in the unseen. Realisation of God means that man begins to feel the presence of God.

What is the test of man in this world? It is to discover and realize God Who is in the unseen. Discovery of God means that man begins to have psychological experiences of the presence of God. Everything has a price. And the price for the discovery of God is to tear down the element of doubt and see the higher reality. Only those who apply themselves with total dedication to discovering God can succeed. Man’s mind has been given unlimited potential. The number of particles in the human mind is believed to equal all particles in the universe. Man has been granted this extraordinary capacity to use it to discover the Highest Reality—that is, God.

Man’s trial rests on discovering God, Who is in the Unseen. Before seeing Him, man should voluntarily surrender himself before God. He should be so desirous of Paradise that this world appears meaningless to him. He should adopt divine ethics without any external pressure on him to do so. He should develop his intellectual and spiritual being to such an extent that he produces in himself the ability to inhabit the refined world of Paradise. Paradise is a heavenly colony where peace, love, and noble character prevail. Of this world’s inhabitants, only those who have succeeded in maintaining a high moral character will find a place in Paradise.

According to the creation plan of God, this limited world in which man finds himself before death has all the necessary ingredients for the ‘trial’. It has man as the perfection- seeking creature in a less-than-perfect world where he has been given complete freedom. Man, thus, has a choice to misuse his freedom by creating havoc, killing people, living a life of leisure, or using his freedom wisely by submitting to an unseen God and qualifying for Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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