The Quran states: “Believers, fasting has been prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard yourselves against evil.” (The Quran, 2:183) Ramadan is the month of heightened God-consciousness, of attaining piety (taqwa).
Fasting weaken a man’s dependence on material things and strengthens his spiritual resolve, so that he may enter the higher realms of piety. Fasting by its very nature is an act of abstinence, patience and restraint. It helps a person to attain a state of mind, which makes him a more sensitive person. High sensitivity inculcates curiosity, seriousness and all other high qualities in a person. The purpose of fasting is, therefore, to inculcate sensitivity in a person so that one is able to understand the profound meaning of the Quran and contemplate on serious issues like marefah, akhirah and dawah.  In this sense, Ramadan is a month of restraint and worship; of caring and thanksgiving; of repentance and piety. The multitude of benefits of Ramadan inspired the Prophet to exclaim: “Welcome to the one who purifies!” (Kanzul Ummal, Hadith No. 23692)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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