The Demand of Wisdom

The Quran states: “People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion.” (4:171)

ACCORDING TO A tradition the Prophet of Islam observed: “Avoid the path of extremism: this will lead to more severe conditions.” (Abu Daud, Sunan Abu Daud, Vol. 1, page 197) In present times, this has been the case in all those Muslim countries where groups have taken to the path of militancy to attain their objectives. And it has turned out in Kashmir that the culture of violence over the last two decades has had no positive result. On the contrary, it has caused so much destruction that it is simply indescribable. The ongoing conflict in Kashmir has played havoc with its economy and educational system. It has led to the deaths of over a hundred thousand people, with many more being injured and crippled for life. It has taken a terrible toll of the moral fabric of Kashmiri society. Another big loss is that it has forced a huge number of well-qualified and highly educated Kashmiris to migrate to other parts of India and other countries. The culture of the Kashmiris (Kashmiriat) to preserve which the movement was launched, has been totally ruined.

Kashmir once had a flourishing tourism industry, as a result of which commercial activities continued the whole year round. But this militancy has dealt a death blow to the tourist industry. Once a Kashmiri remarked that formerly they could even sell pebbles, but today even their apples have no buyers. Thus the movement which was launched in the name of the Kashmiri people has not benefited the common man in any way, but it has certainly bolstered the fortunes of their self-styled leaders.

The Quran enjoins its followers: “Do not grieve for what has escaped you.” (57:23) This verse of the Quran tells us of the law that God has established in this world. According to this law, every person and every group has to experience some form of loss at some time or the other. No person or community is exempt from this rule, for this is a part of the divine creation plan. No one has the power to change it.

But along with this there is another law of Nature that in this world opportunities shall never cease to exist. Whenever one opportunity is lost, another one is available instantly alongside it. Hence, wisdom demands that we should forget our lost opportunities and, instead, make use of the new ones that are available to us. This is precisely what the Kashmiris should do.

Exploitative leaders thrive on fanning people’s discontent and their sense of being deprived. On the other hand, the true leader is one who launches his movement by using existing opportunities; and, by pointing them out, instead of pointing out obstacles, shows his people the path to a new future.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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