According to the evolutionary law, the Earth is heading towards a superior stage. This will be the Earth’s last evolutionary stage, which we can call the perfect world—Paradise.

What is Paradise? There is no mystery about Paradise. It is an accepted scientific fact, just like any other scientific fact. In reality, Paradise is a transformation of the Earth. The Earth was initially an inchoate, molten mass; then, it cooled down to its present state, taking the form of our world as we know it today. Similarly, another transformation will take place in the future, but to a far greater degree: at that time, our non-paradisiacal Earth will turn into Paradise.

In this world, many things are brought into existence due to conversion—for example, water results from converting two gases. A tree represents the conversion of the soil’s nutrients. Machines are a conversion of iron from its crude state into complex mechanisms. The industrial world ensures the conversion of inert materials into socially valuable commodities.

In the same way, the conversion will take place on a far grander scale in the future. From the ideal world, this will change into a perfect world at that time. This instance of conversion is referred to in the Quran in the following verse: “When the earth shall be changed into another earth…” (14:48)

This process of conversion has repeatedly taken place on Earth. On our planet, conversion is a known and natural process. That is, it is a regular occurrence. Believing in Paradise is like believing in the continuance of a predictable series of events. It is just like saying about a factory that has produced 999 items, and now it is going to produce the thousandth item.

Paradise is not just a matter of religious belief or dogma. According to the eternal laws of Nature, Paradise is a state that is bound to come into existence. A study of the law governing earthly systems shows that the present world is undergoing a continuous evolutionary process, of which Paradise, logically, is the ultimate phase. Paradise is the natural culmination of creation with a definite beginning at a particular time.

Astronomical studies show that the Universe is so vast and expanding at such a rate that its total dimensions are yet to be estimated, even with the use of very powerful telescopes. In this immeasurably vast Universe, the Earth is a highly tiny planet. Our world is smaller than a grain of sand compared to this Universe.

Our Earth is a rare exception throughout the entire Universe because it is the only place where extraordinary things like water, greenery, air and oxygen are present. If life can prevail on this Earth, it is because, side by side with it, there are life support systems. All those valuable elements exist on Earth by utilising which man can if he wills, build a civilisation. It is the task of human beings to convert this potential into reality.

It is evident that civilisation, passing continuously from one stage of its history to another, is moving from its initial stage of development to a higher plateau altogether. (For details, see the United Nations publication: “The History of Mankind”)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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