Every day, the darkness of night is dispelled by the light of the sun. Likewise, the arrogant and the defiant shall have to bow down, and the Truthful will be rewarded with Paradise in the Hereafter.

In this world created by God, humans appear to be a contradiction. In a world where the sun rises exactly at its appointed time, a person says one thing today and then denies it the next! In a world where water can be squeezed out even from hard, dry stones, people cruelly oppress their fellow beings. In a world where the moon sheds light on all creatures without discrimination, humans behave one way with some and another way with others. In a world whose meaningfulness is expressed in the beauty of a flower, people behave more cruelly than a thorn. In a world where the wind blows all around like a selfless servant, humans live as if their only purpose is to promote their interests. In a world where one tree never troubles another, people never cease to torment each other. One person derives malicious pleasure in seeing another being destroyed.

All these events occur daily in the human world, seemingly without any direct intervention from God. Seen in the universal mirror of His creation, God appears so very beautiful, but in the grief-filled realm of human existence, how different His face seems! Horrific things happen before God, but this does not stir Him. God sees people being slaughtered, but He does not intervene. He witnesses the most barbaric acts committed against the most sensitive beings in the universe, yet this does not cause Him anxiety or unease. Why does God see everything but remain silent?

This question has troubled thoughtful people of every age. But it arises only because we fail to consider God’s wisdom regarding His creation. In God’s plan, this world is a testing ground. However, in our foolishness, we want to see it as a place where rewards and punishments for good and evil actions are immediately dispensed. We desire that what is to happen on the Day of Judgment should occur today before our very eyes.

Every day, the darkness of night is dispelled by the spreading light of the sun. Likewise, the darkness of life will one day end; oppression will cease; the arrogant and the defiant will have to bow down, and those who remain on the path of Truth will be rewarded with Paradise in the Hereafter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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