God-Given Hope

Everyone can construct his life through his own efforts. With God given hope and a change in strategy through wise planning, our past failures can be converted into success.

If a misfortune befalls you, it is the fruit of
your own labours. He forgives much.
(The Quran, 42:30)

This verse of the Quran tells us that when a man is afflicted by misfortune, it is necessarily the result of one or more of his own actions. Blaming others for this is meaningless. Making protests and complaints is a waste of time and in no way solves the problem.

If our problems had been caused by others, then we should have been dependent upon others for their solution and wait for their kindness. God’s system for this world is that He has made each one of us responsible for our own personal affairs. That is, an individual can construct his life by dint of his own efforts. Each one’s future is in his own hands.

Sometimes one incurs a loss due to one’s own foolishness; much harm can be avoided by adopting wise ways. At times an initiative goes awry for lack of planning. But there will be other opportunities in future to plan better. By being hasty a man invites trouble, but it is possible to remedy the situation through patience and fortitude. Being too emotional can also ruin people; such people too can taste success by remaining cool and rational in their approach on subsequent occasions.

Failure is never final or fatal. With God given hope and a change in strategy through wise planning our past failures can be converted into success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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