The present world has been built for a limited period. After the completion of this period, all the men and women born in the world will be brought before God. And God, according to the record prepared by the angels, will decide their future. Those records which will show which men and women displayed a heavenly character throughout their earthly lives and used their freedom solely within the sphere fixed by God, thus proving that they were fit to inhabit the heavenly world; it is they who will be selected to live eternally in the heavenly gardens, while all those who failed to prove their heavenly character will be rejected and cast into the eternal dustbin of the universe, so that they will forever be fated to lead a life of utter frustration and despair. 

Successful is one who has realized the eternal world in this temporary world; who has discovered in the failures of the present world, the secret to eternal success in the next eternal world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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