Creation Plan of Man
A human being is a unique phenomenon in the entire universe. As per his creative capabilities, a human being is an eternal creature, but he lives in the present world for a limited period of time. In this world the average age of a person is about 70 years. An individual desires eternity, but in reality, fails to find it. But this is not a matter of deprivation for him. This is in accordance with the creation plan of the Creator and is unrelated to human desires. According to the creation plan of the Creator, a human being has to live here for a limited period of time, then he is taken to a habitat where he will have the opportunity to live eternally in a world which is to his liking.
What man has to do here is to understand the creation plan of the Creator and prepare himself accordingly. God is the Creator of man but determining one’s future is totally in the hands of man. What man has to do is to develop such a personality as will make him a deserving candidate for Paradise in the next world.
It was because of this purpose of creation that the Creator made the entire universe as if custom-made to suit the needs of mankind. This reality has been thus expressed in the Quran: “He has subjected whatever is in the heavens and on the earth to you; it is all from Him.” (45:13) The words “it is all from Him” mean that this matter of subjection is not just accidental, but has rather taken place according to a well-considered plan.
Man enjoys a special creation in the entire universe. He has been given a mind by the Creator, which no other creature has been granted. Man has been given unlimited capabilities by the Creator. Furthermore, man’s unique position is that he has been granted God’s trust (33:72). ‘Trust’ here refers to total freedom. Man is the only creature who has been given total freedom. It was destined for man that if, on having his freedom he did not misuse it, but used it according to the creation plan of God, he would be held deserving of the reward of eternal Paradise. Research shows that all the other creatures save man— physical things, vegetation, animals, all are subservient to the law of nature. Even animals are governed by their instinct. It is man alone who is the exception to this rule, for he has the opportunity to think independently and plan his life with total freedom.
There is no doubt about it that man is a totally free creature but this freedom relates purely to personal action, in the sense that man is free to act either according to the vaster creation plan, or become a transgressor. But, so far as the result of his actions is concerned, man has no power over consequences. Here God has laid down that if man acts according to the creation plan of the Creator, he will be granted eternal Paradise.