O, you, wrapped in your cloak, arise and give warning! Proclaim the glory of your Lord; purify your garments; shun uncleanness; do not bestow a favour in the expectation of receiving more in return; and for the sake of your Lord, be patient. When the Trumpet is sounded, that Day will be a hard and distressing Day. It will not be easy for those who deny the truth.
No, by the moon! By the night when it departs. By the dawn when it lightens! Surely, it is one of the gravest things, it is a warning to man, alike to every one of you, who want to go forward or hang back. Every soul is held in pledge against its own deeds, except those of the right hand who in their gardens will be enquiring about the sinners. ‘What has brought you into the Fire of Hell?’ and they shall reply, ‘We were not among those who prayed; and we did not feed the poor; we indulged in vain arguments along with those who indulged in them; and we denied the Day of Judgement until the Inevitable End [death] overtook us.’ So no intercession will avail them.