The Times of India | June 15, 2024
Hajj is a congregational act of worship performed on a global level. Its dates are determined according to the lunar months. The rituals of Hajj are carried out…
Times of India | June 14, 2024
Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, is a profound act of worship in Islam. It is obligatory only for those who are in good health and can afford the journey. Those who are…
The Sunday Guardian | March 24, 2024
Fasting, a form of divine worship is observed for one month every year. During this period of fasting, man abstains from food and water from sunrise to sunset in…
Sunday Guardian | March 17, 2024
Ramadan, the month of fasting and self-purification, is a blessed spiritual period for believers, for it is during this month that they do their utmost to awaken and…
The Sunday Guardian | March 31, 2024
Fasting is a kind of reminder to a sincere person. It reminds us that we are in the world of God, a world which has been created by God. Its owner is God, not us…
The month of Ramadan is one of fasting in Islam. In its injunctions for this month, the Quran has this to say:
O believers, fasting has been prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those…
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is observed by Muslims as a month of fasting. Fasting obligates a person to refrain from food, drink, foul talk, altercations and fights…
The personality that should emerge after performing Hajj is one in which a two-fold activity is set in motion, one form being external and the other internal.
‘External activity’ here refers to the…
The significance and message of the pilgrimage is for man to turn towards God, making God the central focus of his life. Although the Hajj lasts for just a few days, the lessons it provides have a…
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