Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Times of India | June 15, 2024

Hajj is a congregational act of worship performed on a global level. Its dates are determined according to the lunar months. The rituals of Hajj are carried out over five days, from the 8th to the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, in and around the places of Makkah. The history of Hajj is associated with the lives of the Prophets—Abraham and Ishmael, who laid the foundation of the most sacred mosque, Kabah, in Makkah.

Hajj is a form of worship and training that encompasses all the aspects of worship. On the occasion of Hajj and Eid al-Adha, Muslims worldwide perform the ritual of sacrificing an animal in the name of God. This sacrifice is not isolated from daily life; it is related to every facet of a person’s existence. It signifies that believers should live in this world, embodying the spirit of sacrifice. The spirit of sacrifice forms the essence of all Islamic acts and deeds.

The essence of Hajj thus lies in the act of sacrifice. When the prescribed form of Hajj and the spirit of sacrifice are combined in a person’s life, he is considered to have performed the worship of Hajj in the true sense.  

 Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha on specific dates. Eid al-Adha is regarded as a partial participation in the worship of Hajj. The believers worldwide express their connection with the Hajj performed in Makkah through this festival. 

Once, Prophet Muhammad was asked, “O Messenger of God, what are these sacrifices? He replied, “This is the sunnah of your father, Abraham.’ This means that the sacrifice offered during the Hajj follows the way set by Abraham.  

In this manner, Muslims worldwide renew their commitment each year to faithfully follow this exemplary model established by the Prophets, according to their circumstances, in every era.

Hajj holds immense importance as an annual pilgrimage in Islam. It occurs in the final month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. The rituals of Hajj are performed in and around the Kabah, situated in Makkah, within the Arabian Peninsula. This sacred worship is regarded as the culmination of all acts of devotion, encompassing various facets of religious observance. One such significant aspect is its social relevance.

The element of social unity is prominent in the practice of Hajj. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1984) describes Hajj as follows: “About 2,000,000 persons perform the Hajj each year, and the rite serves as a unifying force in Islam by    followers of diverse backgrounds together in religious celebration.” (Vol. IV, p. 844)

Every year, approximately two million individuals participate in Hajj, and this pilgrimage serves as a unifying platform that brings Muslims from different nations together in a religious gathering, fostering a profound sense of unity within the Islamic community.

In the Quran, the command of Hajj is mentioned as follows:

“And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security” (2:125).

This signifies that God has designated the Kabah as a sacred place where people return to find peace. The term “place of return” in Arabic is akin to the modern concept of a centre. It is a gathering place that serves as a common reference point and symbol for all.

Every year, Muslims worldwide converge upon Makkah to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. In 2012, their number reached approximately three million. During the Hajj season, Makkah and its surroundings are filled with people of diverse backgrounds. They speak different languages and dress in various attire. However, upon arriving here, their thinking becomes unified. They come together to worship the same God. Throughout the Hajj, their focus remains steadfastly on the same God. Thus, Hajj becomes an act of worship that, with all its acts and rituals, imparts lessons of social cohesion and centrality.

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