The Sunday Guardian | May 05, 2024
According to the Quran, worship of God controls one’s character. In chapter al-ʿAnkabut (The Spider), the Quran says:
Surely prayer restrains one from indecency…
It is a common belief that certain verses of the Quran are abrogated, and although they can be found in the present version of the Quran, they are not in any practical sense applicable to our lives.…
The Quran says, ‘Recite the Quran slowly and distinctly.’ (73:4) This means, read the Quran in slow, measured rhythmic tones. That is, read, paying full attention to the import of the content. When…
Discrimination of any kind is quite alien to the scheme of things in the Quran. In the chapter Al-Hujurat (The Apartments), the Quran declares that all men and women are equal before God. The…
The first verse of the Quran tells us what the gist of the Quran is. All other parts of the Quran are only details of this first verse either directly or indirectly. It is the first verse of the…
The Quran shows us where strength in this world really lies, giving us a handhold on a rope that never breaks. Without this, we have no real support in life. Moreover, it is only through our…
The Quran leads us to true guidance. It says, "God is He besides Whom there is no god, the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is…
"God calls to the Home of Peace." (The Quran, 10:25)
The very word 'Islam' (from the Arabic silm) connotes peace. According to a tradition of the Prophet, 'Peace is Islam' (Al-Bukhari). This means…
The Qur'an a medium-sized book as far as its volume is concerned. It comprises 114 chapters or surahs. The Quran is a revealed book: it is not authored by a human being. It is the actual word of God…
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