Soulveda | April 06, 2024
हमें भूख लगती है। हम अपनी भूख मिटाने का प्रयास करते हैं। यहाँ तक कि सिद्ध होता है कि यहाँ खाना उपस्थित था, जो हमारी भूख मिटाए। हमें प्यास लगती है। हम अपनी प्यास को बुझाने…
Jesus Christ once said: ‘Man cannot live by bread alone.’ (Matthew 4:4) What Jesus meant was that material provision does not suffice. All bread does is sustain us physically. Further to this, one…
Mary or Maryam was the mother of Jesus Christ. It is noteworthy that the Quran mentions about Mary several times, whereas it does not do so for any other woman by name. By this fact, we can estimate…
The Prophet Joseph was thrown into a deserted, dried-up well by his brothers. This was apparently a disaster. But the Quran says that as soon as he was cast into the pit God's revelation came to him…
Joseph (Yusuf), the Prophet, was cast into a well by his step-brother. He was saved, however, by the Almighty who blessed him with prophethood and caused him to reach a high position in Egypt. His…
For secular scholars the Great Flood, or the discovery of the Ark on Mount Ararat, is just a subject of history. In fact, this event reminds us that the flood in the times of Noah is a warning in…
The mission of the Prophet Noah was the same as the mission of all the other prophets. All the prophets, from the Prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad, who came to this world, had the single mission…
The Prophet Noah succeeded the Prophet Adam. He was born in the tenth generation descended from Adam. There was an extraordinary happening during the life of Noah—that of the Great Flood. This…
The signs that the prophets of God demonstrated to their people are commonly known as miracles. But this is not a true Islamic understanding. The Quran and Hadith (record of the Prophet’s sayings and…