The Sunday Guardian | December 15, 2024
According to a hadith “Be alert through the wisdom of the believer, because a believer sees by the light of God.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3127)
The Times of India | September 09, 2024
In the science of light there is a law of nature called refraction. Today this is known as Snell’s law, having been discovered initially by Willebrord Van…
The Sunday Guardian | August 18, 2024
A high level of realization of God is actually the greatest asset a person can have. It is, in fact, high realization of faith which makes it possible for a…
Jim Corbett (1875-1955) was a legendary British hunter. He authored a famous book Man-Eaters of Kumaon. It details the experiences that Corbett had in the Kumaon region of India from the 1900s to the…
Sunday Guardian | February 04, 2024
Cain and Abel were two brothers. They belonged to the first generation of Adam and Eve. There arose some differences between the two, and Cain finally said to…
Soulveda | December 26, 2023
Taqwa means piety that is, leading a life of caution and restraint in this world.
Umar Farooq, the second Caliph once asked a companion of the Prophet what taqwa was.…
I would like to share two important principles of Islam here: peace and fear of God.
A believer is necessarily a lover of peace. In his mind, faith and a desire for peace are so closely…
Faith is the discovery of God. This discovery produces certain qualities in a human being. One such important quality may be called fear of God (khushu or taqwa), that is, always going in fear of…
It is recorded in a tradition that Umar Faruq, the 2nd caliph of Islam, once asked Ubayy ibn Kaab, a prominent companion, what taqwa was. He replied, “Have you ever passed by thorny bushes?” He said…
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