The Times of India | May 15, 2024
In today's world, people are so engrossed in their day-to-day lives that they are only concerned with fulfilling their responsibilities. They have no time to think…
One unique aspect of the Quran is that it always lays stress on duties rather than on rights. There are many verses which tell us to do this or do that. But you will not find a single verse in the…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | ST Weekly Blog | April 02, 2018
Throughout the world, man has always been fighting for his rights. Much of the strife is a result of man's belief that he is being denied…
The United Nations Organization (UNO) is the largest official body covering the greater part of all people on the face of this planet. Comprising of 192 member countries, it formally represents…
Why is there widespread social and political upheaval in our world today? Is it due to injustice and the denial of human rights as is commonly assumed? Why do people rally around protests and strikes…
स्रोत: सफ़ल जीवन के सिद्धान्तिक नियम
क़ुरआन में बताया गया है— “इस संसार की व्यवस्था फ़ायदा पहुँचाने के नियम पर स्थापित है” (13:17) यानी जो आदमी दूसरों को फ़ायदा पहुँचाएगा, उसे दूसरे से फ़ायदा मिलेगा…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | March 06, 2016, p. 12When it comes to rewards for human effort, people fall into two distinct categories: those who expect more than their due for…
The Sunday Guardian | June 30, 2018
Gandhi is a very famous biographical film, released in 1982, on the life of Mahatma Gandhi. The character of Gandhiji has been played by the English actor Ben…
February 11, 1993
The issue of Ayodhya's Babri masjid has turned into one of life and death for the Muslim community. The tragic event of December 6 gave a serious jolt to the conscience of the…
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