The Sunday Guardian | August 04, 2024
An American lady went on a tour of Russia. There, she saw pictures of the Chairman of the Communist party hanging everywhere she went. She took offence of this…
Anthropology is a discipline which deals with the study of man. It has studied man in detail since ancient times. Of the many things these studies reveal, one important thing is that the concept of…
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
When the earth is shaken with its violent shaking, when the earth shakes off her burdens, when man asks, ‘What is happening to her?’; on that…
According to scientific accounts, about 15 billion years ago, at the behest of the Creator, a big cosmic ball came into existence in space. This contained all the particles from which the various…
Chapter two of the Quran, elaborates thus on polytheism: “Yet there are some who set up equals with God and adore them with the adoration due to God, but those who believe love God most. If only the…
ذريعه: الرساله، جون 2014
ہر زمانے کے اہلِ فکر ہمیشہ یہ سوچتے رہے ہیں کہ انسان کی تخلیق کا مقصد (purpose of creation) کیا ہے- معلوم تاریخ کےمطابق، تقریباً 5 ہزار سال سے انسان اِس سوال کا جواب معلوم…
स्रोत: क़ुरआन की महिमा
क़ुरआन में इनकार करने वालों की उस माँग का वर्णन है, कि वे पैग़ंबर से कहते हैं कि अगर तुम अपने इस वादे में सच्चे हो कि जो संदेश तुम लाए हो, वह ईश्वर की तरफ़ से है तो कोई चमत्…
Maulana Wahiduddln Khan | The Sunday Guardian | June 7, 2015Man is born as a living creature. After taking birth he passes through different relationships. First, the family relationship which is…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | July 16, 2017Why was this world made? Why was a human being born into this world? Why, after a certain period of time, does he pass away? What will…
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