Soulveda | July 28, 2024
यह जुलाई की एक सुंदर सुबह थी। सूरज अभी निकला नहीं था, लेकिन आसमान की विशालताओं में उसका फैलता हुआ प्रकाश बता रहा था कि वह जल्द ही निकलने वाला है। क्षितिज पर बादलों के…
Soulveda | March 23, 2024
इंसान की सबसे बड़ी माँग क्या है? वह यह है कि उसे प्रसन्नता से परिपूर्ण जीवन प्राप्त हो। हर युग में इंसान का सबसे बड़ा सपना यही रहा है। इंसान इसी इच्छा को लेकर जीता है,…
It is in becoming acquainted with God that one knows what characteristics one should, as a Muslim, cultivate in oneself. Along with the discovery of God, there comes the realization that one is not…
The Sunday Guardian | July 07, 2024
There is a verse in the Quran which states: “We created pairs of all things so that you might reflect.” (51:49)
This verse of the Quran addresses those who have…
The Sunday Guardian | June 30, 2024
We learn from the Quran that there is the reward of Paradise in the Hereafter for those who lead a life of faith. There is a Quranic verse which says: “No soul…
The Sunday Guardian | January 14, 2024 Page No. 10
On the 28th of March 1995, Mrs. Indu Vahi committed suicide by jumping from the 8th floor of Asia House, a building situated on Kasturba Gandhi…
Speaking Tree Blog | December 18, 2023
God Almighty created billions and billions of things, some living and some non-living. Out of all of these, man is the only creature who was created with a…
The well-known American evangelist Billy Graham (born 1918) narrates one of his life experiences. Once, he received an urgent message from an American statesman who wanted to meet him at the earliest…
Paradise is a place of divine blessings and Hell is a place where those who have been awarded punishment by God’s court will be cast. There are all kinds of blessings in the present world but they…