Soulveda | February 07, 2023
हज़रत मुहम्मद ने कहा है “जो चुप रहा, उसने मुक्ति पाई।” इस कथन से यह पता चलता है कि जिस तरह बोलना एक काम है, उसी तरह चुप रहना भी एक काम है। जिस तरह एक्शन लेना एक काम है,…
A perusal of the Quran followed by a study of latter-day Muslim history will reveal a blatant contradiction between the two—that between principle and practice. Where recent developments in some…
The Quran is, without doubt, a book of peace. It is not a book of violence and war. All the statements of the Quran are, directly or indirectly related to peace. The very first phrase in the Quran is…
The following remark is from a letter of a person wishing to know the usefulness of the method adopted by some well-meaning persons.
“Many people, who are probably well-meaning, say they are working…
The very word Islam (from the Arabic silm) implies peace, and all the teachings of Islam are based directly or indirectly on this principle. There are traditions of the Prophet that say that ‘Peace…
A perusal of the Quran followed by a study of latter-day Muslim history will reveal a blatant contradiction between the two-that of principle and practice. Where recent developments in some Muslim…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Peace in Islam
The greatest problem facing Islam today is, as I see it that Muslims have almost totally forgotten the sunnah (Prophet's way) of non-violence. In latter…
The Sunday Guardian
There are many names of God Almighty in the Quran. One of the names of God is As-Salam, that is, Peace. Thus, God Himself is peace. There is a prayer of the Prophet of Islam: "O…
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