Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | March 21, 2015

The Quran states: 'Had the truth followed their desires, the heavens, the earth, and all who dwell in them, would have surely been corrupted.' (23:71) God's scheme of creation is a perfect one. The whole universe, except man, is following this divine scheme. That is why the Quran points out that the universe is faultless (67:3). But man is free to act as he likes. He follows his desires and forsakes the true path. The result is corruption and disorder in the human world. Man's perversion is the price of his freedom.


The solution to the problems of man is the same as that which has been ordained for the rest of the universe. If man follows the path of truth, like the universe, he can produce the same spirit of peace and harmony which the cosmos already dis­plays. The path of truth as opposed to the path of man's desire can be understood from this verse in the Qur'an: 'The sun is not allowed to overtake the moon nor does the night outpace the day. Each runs in its own orbit.' (36: 40) It is God's will that everything should move in its own orbit. All astronomical bodies act accord­ingly, never clashing with one another on their course. If man were to apply this principle to his life, everyone would operate in his own given sphere, thus rectifying the friction which exists in human society. On the other hand, if he mindlessly follows his own desires, he comes into conflict with his fellow men, which causes trouble in the domestic and international arenas.

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