Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

God has created man with special blessings, which are basically of two kinds. One of them is called the “best of mould” in the Quran (95:4). The other blessing has been thus referred to in the Quran: “He has given you all that you asked of Him.” (14:34) The “best of mould” has also been referred to in the Quran as “best form” (40:64). This means that man has been granted a perfect physique.

The human body is regulated, moreover, by a number of organs, which enable sight, hearing, breathing, speech, digestion, blood circulation and movement. All of these are essential for the survival of human life and, if these systems were ever disturbed or deteriorated and became non-functional, human life would come to an end. Other blessings which have been provided in the outside world, external to human existence, make up the life support system. They include the system of light and heat, the supply of oxygen, rains, agriculture, etc. Human life depends for its continuance upon both the internal organ support system and the external life support system.

A deeper knowledge of these natural processes opens the door to the realization of God. As a result, profound feelings of thankfulness are engendered, which give birth to all manner of positive qualities like modesty, seriousness, willingness to accept the truth, and so on.

Source: God-Oriented Life

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QURANIC VERSES95:414:3440:64
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