Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Man's search for truth can come to a successful end when he finds answers to his questions at an intellectual level. To achieve such a purposeful existence is the greatest quest of man's life. Everyone is motivated, consciously or unconsciously, by this demand of human nature, everyone at one time or another suffers from a sense of frustration, with or without sad experiences. To make one's life meaningful, therefore one has to discover its purpose. One should be extremely sincere and honest in this respect. Sincerity and honesty are an assurance of engaging oneself unremittingly in this pursuit, and never giving-up, until one has discovered the real purpose of human existence.

In the search for truth, although man looks towards philosophy, science, mysticism and the religions of the world, it is only through Islam that one discovers the ultimate reality or truth. Islam is the only religion whose scripture - the Quran - is preserved. It is the only religion whose prophet - Prophet Muhammad - has historical credibility. It is the only religion that stands on the logic of all arguments - natural, philosophical, spiritual and scientific. For a seeker of truth there is not a whole range of options to choose from. In his search for truth, man has only one choice to make. And that is the choice of Islam and Islam alone.

In his search for truth when a man succeeds in discovering Islam in its true form through its original sources - the Quran and Sunnah and learns the teachings of Islam, he becomes a person who is fit to be called a complete man, one who has succeeded in making his life purposeful, in the real sense of the word.

Such a believer has been called in the Qur'an as al-nafs al-Mutmainna (89:27). This means a soul at rest, in peace or in a state of complete satisfaction. That is, a man who wholeheartedly follows the divine way of life and is always fully satisfied, whether or not it is in consonance with his own desires. Who, although finding himself totally free, realizes that this freedom does not belong to him as a matter of right, but is rather a test paper. Who is willing to acknowledge the truth of the one God, although He is unseen and surrender to Him- not by compulsion but by his own choice. Who lives a principled and disciplined based on higher principles of positivity rather than on negative emotions such as anger, revenge, jealousy, hatred, rivalry, etc. By showing such total willingness to surrender his will to the will of God (the literal meaning of Islam), he attains that state of humanity that is at one with the creation plan of God. Such people will be rewarded with eternal paradise in the world Hereafter.

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