Social Reform
Islam is a religion of peace. Present-day Muslim militancy derives neither from the Quran nor the Sunnah. It finds its roots in the political interpretation of Islam, which is a gross misinterpretation of Islamic scriptures. Radicalizing Muslims worldwide, the political ideology misinterpreted Islam as a religion that sanctions violence. Gaining the support of certain Muslims and the media: television, the internet, and social media, the ideology has radicalised Muslims, especially the youth and is leading to strife and conflicts in Muslim communities. Wrongly taking legitimacy from this ideology, certain Muslims are resorting to violence. This phenomenon pertains to Muslim practices and has nothing to do with Islamic teachings. When we differentiate between Islam as given in its sources and the Muslim practices, we will understand that Islam is a great blessing from God for humanity. The material prepared by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan serves as a counter ideology to the political interpretation of Islam. It de-radicalises Muslims by presenting them with the correct interpretation of Islam as a religion of following and not enforcement. A case in point is that of Kashmir. After long efforts, thousands of minds were re-engineered away from violent militancy towards peaceful activism in the fields of education and dawah. Today, militancy has virtually ceased in the region. Thinking minds have left extremism. What remains are mere emotional outbursts and an outer shell of the original militancy. This material needs to disseminate globally to root out militancy from the world.
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