Let's Agree to Disagree
We are so closely interdependent globally that peaceful and mutually beneficial relations between different religious communities have become indispensable. Today, countries and communities can no longer afford to live in isolation from each other. Differences between people cannot be allowed to escalate into conflicts. We must find peaceful ways for conflict resolution. The approach to conflict-prevention, conflict-resolution and peacebuilding outlined in the material of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet. Drawing lessons from these sources, Maulana gives principles to negotiate differences and conflicts at all levels—from between individuals to between communities and entire countries. These lessons are of universal relevance. There is now no need to indulge in conflicts over differing interests to gain one’s ends. Some of these principles include conflict prevention, conflict management, nipping conflicts in the bud, winning over one’s opponents, finding a friend in one’s enemy and not provoking the ego of others.
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