Azra Choudhary, translating Quran in Dogri

Azra replies with message of peace to a region where her mother-daughter suffers horrors of 1947 |  Greater Kashmir, May 26, 2019

In 2014 when Azra Choudhary, 62, former chief editor Dictionary section at Jammu Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages (JKAACL) was approached by Rajouri based Shah Hamdan Trust to translate the Holy Quran in Dogri language, she was reluctant. It was a huge responsibility as she was not confident enough to accomplish it.

Abdul Qayoom Nadvi, principal of a school in Rajouri, who had contacted Azra for the job, knew that if anybody could do justice with this work, it was Azra. Qayoom had once asked his wife Shamima who was working as Additional Secretary JKAACL too about the right person who can translate Quran in Dogri. Shamima without any hesitation said that Azra was the right person to do the job. Both Qayoom and Shamima are members of Shah Hamdan Society which is a religious and social work.

As Dogri was included in the eighth schedule and it had good number of speakers in Jammu and Himachal Pradesh, the society felt that it is the need of the hour to translate Quran in Dogri language so that its message of peace, love, brotherhood reaches a larger population. As of now Quran is translated in all major languages of the world numbering more than 100 but Dogri translation was missing.

Azra was indeed the best choice for the job. Not only was she a talented editor but she had a Masters in both Hindi and Dogri. Her work on Hindi-Dogri dictionary project and Dogri translation of various stories in Sheeraza were already well received.

As Azra was yet to make her mind, Qayoom philosophically told her, “Ye aap hi ne karna hai.” (It is only you who has to do this work.”

“The words touched my heart and I thought if this was my destiny why am I resisting. And I took up the job” said Azra. She politely refused any remuneration and assured Qayoom that she will take care of everything herself. Thus started a journey that saw Azra immersing in the holy scripture.


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