Developing God-Oriented Personalities
The Culture of Peace Program helps participants develop a personality on a culture of peace. After completing the Culture of Peace Program, participants will be able to understand that:
- Problems are due to the freedom given by God to human beings.
- Rights-first attitude leads to violence, duties-first approach leads to peace.
- They must opt for opportunities activism, rather than ‘rights-activism’.
- They need to become a ‘giver-member of society, rather than a ‘taker-member’.
- The peaceful formula: "Ignore the problems and avail the opportunities."
- Positive status quoism is the way towards peace and development.
- The success formula is: Ideal peace in individuals and pragmatic peace in society.
Thousands of graduates of the program have re-engineered their minds on a culture of peace to become masters of situations by living God-oriented lives. Culture of Peace Program