Order Free Quran is one of our main project that we have undertaken as part of Global Dawah initiative. Our Objective is to make mankind aware of the Creation Plan of God.
People of any faith can fill our Online 'Free Quran Request' form on our website and we post a hard copy of the pocket size translation of the Quran in the language of their    choice.
The methodology we follow is that we forward these forms to the Quran Distribution Center (QDC) of that respective country wherein the QDC stocks and then posts the Quran translations locally. Countries where we do not have QDC, we post the Quran requests directly from India till a new QDC volunteers for that country. 
We can either help you set up  a QDC in your country if there isn’t any  or we will connect you with  an existing  QDC  team  in your area. In case you are interested please fill the form below.

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