The Time is Set

Everyone lives in this present world for a limited period of time. When their time of test has expired, God’s Angels compulsorily evict the person from the planet earth. Wise is one who has availed of the present life of test so that he can receive the reward of eternal Paradise.

There is a saying which goes in India: “qabza sachcha, daawa jhoota” that is “possession is true, claim is false.” That is to say that the case of one who occupies a place is stronger than the case of the owner. But in America, it is quite the contrary. The principle of America is: ‘Claim is true, Occupation is false’, that is the rightful owner will be regarded as the real owner and one who is a tenant or occupant may be evicted by law. Generally speaking, in India, once a person comes to occupy a house or a piece of land, it is next to impossible to evict him by law. But this does not happen in America.

Once I went to the United States and stayed in Los Angeles with one of my friends. They had another home which they had temporarily rented out to someone. When the time was up, the tenant was asked to leave, but he was not willing to do so. Then the owner of the house sent an application along with the necessary papers to the police station. The police reached the house, now illegally occupied by the tenant, and ordered him to leave immediately, otherwise he would be arrested. The tenant then quietly left.

This incident reminded me that, in another particular matter, the same is true of everyone. Everyone lives in this present world for a limited period of time. Later on, everyone will have to necessarily leave the earth. Once the time of his stay has expired, God’s Angels will come and compulsorily evict the person from this place, that is earth.

If anyone wants to continue in his position on earth, it can never be possible. Man’s stay in the present world is for a limited period of time by the will of the Lord. When this period expires, then what will happen has been mentioned in the Quran in these words: “For all people a term has been set: and when [the end of] their term approaches, they can neither delay it by a single moment, nor can they advance it.” (7:34)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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