The Journey
Towards Death

Life before death is very brief, while the life after death will continue for all eternity. Death is a one-way journey. Wise is one whose life is Hereafter-oriented and whose goal is Paradise.

When one is born into this world, a journey soon begins, taking him through various stages, until he finally reaches death’s door. What is on the other side of this door? No one has any prior knowledge of this. It can be known only after passing through this door of death.

All those who are alive and walking on this planet earth, will finally, enter this gate of death. But this entry will be like a leap into the darkness. No one knows what will happen after death. Those who believe in the life of the hereafter are just as ignorant of this as those who do not believe in the Hereafter. The former may theorize positively about it; whereas the latter will just make false suppositions about it.

But the most crucial matter to be grasped by all men and women is that the life span of life before death is very brief, while the life span after death will continue for all eternity. Therefore, anyone who hopes for the best for himself must think about this matter more than about anything else. This should be the most important subject of reflection for that person.

The gravest aspect of this passage through the door of death is that after entering, it will not be possible for anyone to return. This will be an entirely one-way journey. This aspect of the end of life makes death a very grave matter.

It is of such gravity that man should think more and more about life after death. He must be more and more sincere about death than about life itself, at whatever the cost.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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