The Final End

Everyone born into this world is destined to leave the world forever. The present world is for preparation and the next eternal world is the place to reap the rewards of our actions. It is the World Hereafter which makes human life meaningful.

Emperor Aurangzeb Aalamgir’s (d. 1707) daughter Princess Zaibunnisa Begum (d. 1701) was born in a palace and was brought up in a royal environment. Finally, she became ill, and after much suffering, she died in Delhi at the age of 62. Before her death she had composed a couplet in Persian to be inscribed on her Tomb:

     Bar mazaar-e-maa ghareeban nay chiraagh-e-nay guley
     Nay par-e-parwana raqsad, nay sada-e-bubulay

This means that on a poor person’s grave there is no light, no flowers, and that is why, on my grave, neither does a fly comes to dance, neither is the voice of the nightingale heard.

Whether we see death as our final end or not, all men and women have to meet this end. Everyone born into this world is destined to leave the world forever in utter helplessness. This end is destined for everyone, whether he or she is born into a wealthy family or in a family possessing political power or born into a poor family.

Was man born to lead a life of failure and then be obliterated from the face of this world forever? This concept goes against both reason and nature. The truth is that to understand the meaningfulness of life, it is essential to see the present world along with the Hereafter. It is the world Hereafter which makes human life meaningful. Without believing in the Hereafter, human life becomes wholly meaningless. This concept of the Hereafter is axiomatic. It is not a baseless supposition and needs no proof. Without belief in the Hereafter, the present world cannot be meaningfully explained. The concept of the Hereafter gives man a purposeful goal. Without belief in the Hereafter, the life before death is as meaningless as life after death.

According to the creation plan of God the present world is for preparation and the next eternal world is the place to reap the rewards of our actions.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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