Explanation of
a Deceased Person

The real status of death is total detachment for every departed soul. The deceased person is all alone and deprived of all that life had provided him within this world. Wise is one who understands this reality and prepares for success in the eternal life in the Hereafter.

It is the custom that when a person dies, eulogies about him are published in magazines and journals in his memory. Large meetings are held in commemoration to dwell upon his greatness and achievements. Such events are highly misleading. What actually has to be faced after death is that the deceased person leaves behind him all the marks of his glory at one fell swoop. Death brings him into a world where he is all alone and deprived of all that life had provided him within this world. From the present point of view, this is the correct angle from which to look at the departed person. But all the eulogists, both writers and speakers, do not explain the present state of the deceased person’s life. They speak only of his past life, in spite of the fact that the deceased person has been completely disconnected from his past.

The real status of death is total detachment for every departed soul. The meaning of death is that, man has lost the first chance of his life (in this world) and as far as the second chance is concerned, that is never going to be anyone’s lot. In fact, all deaths should remind us of this serious aspect of life. But that is the aspect which is neither explained in writing nor in speeches.

After reading of and hearing about the deceased person’s virtues, we have the impression that he is still the embodiment of those virtues, although that is not at all the case. Speakers and writers give the impression that he was a man of great stature but the dead person is now actually bereft of all grandeur and finds himself in a state of frustration and helplessness.

Wise is one who understands this reality and prepares for success the life in the Hereafter while one has a chance in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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