Building of
the Hereafter

The actual task to perform is not the building up of the world, but the preparation for the life after death in the Hereafter. In the stage of life before death, one should make oneself deserving of eternal Paradise in the Hereafter.

In present times, we find all men and women busy with something or the other. They are so busy that they have no time to listen to anyone. They spend all their time and money on reaching their desired goals.

What is this goal which keeps everyone so busy? It is only one—improving their worldly life more and more, building their worldly future. But death contradicts this worldly ideology. Everyone’s final destiny is to die sooner or later.

He leaves the world he built for himself entirely behind him. All alone, by himself, he departs for another world without any preparation.

All men and women, who are born into this world, start thinking in worldly terms in the way they find people thinking around them. They become engaged in all the worldly activities in which all other people had engaged themselves in before them. Due to this state of affairs, material thinking has become a matter of historical continuity. Material thinking has become such an integral part of cultural tradition that it has become almost impossible for any man or woman to think beyond it.

This is the point on which man is actually being tested. To achieve real success, man has to bring himself outside this framework of historical continuity. Leaving aside the traditional culture he should form his opinions on the basis of reality. Those who do so will immediately discover that what is of actual importance is not the building up of the world but the preparation for the hereafter. The actual task for every man and woman is to prepare for the stage of life after death. In the stage of life before death, they should make themselves, deserving of being held successful in the eternal life span after death.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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