The mind is the greatest faculty of man and peace is the most favourable environment in which the mind can function to its full capacity.
The mind is the greatest blessing of the Creator. All the…
Soulveda | August 30, 2024
CV Raman (1888-1970), the renowned Indian scientist, once had it pointed out to him that scientific discoveries were accidental. Raman responded, “Yes, but such accidents…
Soulveda | December 19, 2023
Depression is a common problem in modern times. Both the rich and the poor suffer from it. According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading…
Sunday Guardian | September 26, 2020 | Soulveda | March 27, 2023
Some people have extraordinary inherent qualities, due to which they are able to become masters of all situations. Such individuals…
The Quran advocates the culture of spirituality. Quranic spirituality has nothing mysterious about it. It is a well-known discipline. It is only an alternative name for intellectual development. The…
The Sunday Guardian | October 27, 2024
The concept of a better tomorrow is ingrained in human nature. Every day man witnesses the fact that day follows night. And will always follow night. The same…
Just visit a place of natural beauty, a place where there are mountains, flowing rivers, tall, lush green trees, birds on the wing, small white clouds floating in the sky, the sun shining, and so on…
There was once a man who left his home and all his possessions – he even sold off his precious Ferrari – and went off into the jungle to live all alone in close proximity to the trees, the flowers…
ذريعه: الرساله، اگست 2004
ایک مجلس میں ایک صاحب نے یہ سوال کیا کہ اسلام میں روحانیت کا تصور کیا ہے اور اسلامی نقطۂ نظر سے روحانیت کو پانے کا کیا اصول ہے۔ اس معاملہ کی وضاحت کرتے ہوئے میں نے کہا…
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