The Jews were commanded by God to preserve their holy book, the Torah. The responsibility for preserving these early divine scriptures thus fell to their followers, whereas it was God who Himself…
The very first injunction given to the Prophet – ‘Read in the name of your Lord who created’, stresses the importance of knowledge (96:1). And the last words of revelation pertain to the life…
Today I have concluded for you your religion, and I have completed my blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion. (THE QURAN 5: 3)
Some people have taken this verse to mean that…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Quranic Wisdom
At the time of the Prophet of Islam, there were certain people in Madinah who talked of the truth, yet they did nothing for its sake and used beautiful words…
The Sunday Guardian | Jan 27, 2018
It befits a person to commence any task in the name of God, the Creator. God is the source of all mercy and compassion. His blessings are -continually descending…
Is Islam the Answer?
One can safely say that for a seeker after the truth, there is no whole range of options. He has only one choice to make. And that is the choice of Islam: the only religion,…
The Qur'an is a book of revelations from God. Today it exists in the form of a book consisting of 114 chapters. They were sent down by the angel Gabriel, bit by bit according to the demand of…
Every religion revealed by God was, in its original form, eternal in character, just as the sun and the moon, the air and the water have a timeless character about them. Religion, in fact, is another…
One important point in understanding the Quran is that it is not a legal book, but a Book of Mission. This means that the Quran adopts a missionary rather than a legal style. The language of the law…
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