Speaking Tree
The Quran invariably preaches leniency in all matters, that being a trait of a divine personality. In the chapter Ta Ha of the Quran, there are two relevant verses in which God…
(Ask Maulana)
According to an Islamic teaching, when a person dies, he is completely cut off from this world; the only thing that survives is his intention (niyyah), which remains alive even after…
We come to know from different statements of the Quran that this book has been sent for all nations of the world. A similar statement has been made regarding the Prophet in a number of places in the…
After an unfortunate but significant incident in Makkah, the Prophet received a revelation from God Almighty, which has been recorded in the Quran in the chapter Abasa (He Frowned). The chapter…
The Quran says:
Greed for more and more distracted you [from God] till you reached the grave. But you will soon come to know. But you will soon come to know. Indeed, were you to know the truth with…
The Quran says:
Read! In the name of your Lord, who created: created man from a clot [of blood]. Read! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know. Yet…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Spirit of Islam Issue 60 December 2017 I Pp. 39-40
A study of the Quran shows that its aim is to produce a universal approach in human beings. Universality means high…
The Sunday Guardian | December 16, 2017
The study of the Quran tells us that it is individual-based rather than system-oriented. That is, the actual target of the Book is to change the thinking of…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Speaking Tree Website I February 23, 2015
There are many names of God Almighty in the Quran. One of the names of God is As-Salam, that is, Peace. Thus, God Himself is peace…
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