During interactions with people in inter-faith programmes, I have come across questions where people wish to know if the Quran contains the teachings of the Prophet. The Quran and the Hadith are the…
A true believer in Islam is one who subordinates his thinking to God, who follows God’s dictates in all aspects of his life. What are the dictates of God? These are preserved in the original sources…
Every religion revealed by God was, in its original form, eternal in character, just as the sun and the moon have a timeless character about them. Religion, in fact, is another name for eternal…
Maria Khan | Islamic Voice | October 15, 2014
Members from the Centre for Peace and Spirituality (CPS) were invited to address students of theology at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, New Delhi on…
During the time of the Prophet there was no such science as that of jurisprudence. The only ideal for them was the conduct of the Prophet. They learnt ablutions, saying prayers, performing Hajj, etc…
Abu Hanifa An Numan ibn Thabit, a Muslim jurist was born in Kufah and died in Baghdad. He has established one of the Islamic schools of jurisprudence.
Kufa the birth-place of Abu Hanifah was an…
Malik ibn Anas Al-Asbahi was born and died in Madinah. He is the founder of the Maliki school of thought. He played an important role in formulating early Islamic legal doctrines.
Imam Malik was a…
Every religion revealed by God was, in its original form, eternal in character, just as the sun and the moon, the air and the water have a timeless character about them. Religion, in fact, is another…
A true believer in Islam is one who subordinates his thinking to God, who follows God's dictates in all aspects of his life. What are the dictates of God? These are what are preserved in the Original…
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