Mohammad Afzal Guru (30 June 1969-9 February 2013) was born in Kashmir. He was convicted and given a death sentence in India for his role in the December 2001 terrorist attack on the Indian…
On September 10, 2014, The Times of India carried a frontpage report titled: “In Kashmir, ‘occupation force’ hailed as saviour." The report said that from being perceived by many in the Kashmir…
For centuries Kashmir has been known as ‘heaven on earth’. In the past, Kashmir was ruled by a series of rulers who were not indigenous inhabitants of the land—Pathans, Mughals, Sikhs and Dogras. But…
Speaking Tree
Sufism could bring peace to Kashmir, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN to RANJENI A SINGH
At the Judah Hyam Synagogue in Delhi, there was excitement writ large on faces of the small…
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