The Times of India | January 06, 2024
Dhikr is an Arabic word; it means remembrance. Dhikrullah, then, means simply to remember God. It is not a formal act, but rather a spontaneous one, which comes…
Soulveda | October 15, 2024
प्रसिद्ध समाचार-पत्र हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स के संपादक ने एक फील्ड स्टडी (15 मई, 1982) के द्वारा भारतीय लोगों का स्वभाव मालूम किया। वह अपने अध्ययन के बाद इस नतीजे पर पहुँचे…
The Sunday Guardian | September 29, 2024
The Quran describes the power of God, in these words:
“When He decrees a thing, He need only say, ‘Be!’ and it is.” (36:82)
According to this Quranic…
The Sunday Guardian | August 11, 2024
I once penned an article entitled ‘Realization—The Purpose of Humanity’. Almost immediately after it appeared in print, (Al-Risala, September 2010) a reader…
The Quran repeatedly tells us to remember God. This is what is known as zikrullah. One should remember God as often as one can. There may be some distractions in which you are engaged or some work in…
Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi (d. 1977) interpreted this verse of the Quran (2:152) “So remember Me, I will remember you,” as follows:
“Abu Bakr Jassas Raazi (d. 370) took the meaning of “…
The Quran repeatedly tells us to remember God. This is what is known as zikrullah. One should remember God as often as one can. There may be some distractions in which you are engaged or some work in…
One of the commandments of the Quran is given in these words: “Believers, remember God with much remembrance.” (33:41) According to this Quranic verse believers must remember God very much, every day…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian |June 18, 2017
According to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad is said to have remarked: "For whomsoever of you the door of supplication is opened, for him…
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